Stanley H. Block, MD, is adjunct professor of psychiatry at the University of Utah School of Medicine, and a board-certified psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He is a consultant on the medical staff at U.S. Army and Veterans Administration Hospitals. He lectures and consults with treatment centers worldwide and is coauthor of Mind-Body Workbook for PTSD and Come to Your Senses. He and his wife, Carolyn Bryant Block, live in Copalis Beach, WA. Find out more about his work online at and
Carolyn Bryant Block is coauthor of Bridging the I-System, Come to Your Senses, and Mind-Body Workbook for PTSD. She is also the co-developer of mind-body bridging and identity system (I-System) theory and techniques.
Andrea A. Peters is an educator certified in mind-body bridging. She guided the organizational development of mind-body bridging material.