
Redefining the ‘Net Generation’

A Letter from Louise Hayes, PhD and Joseph Ciarrochi, PhD

Popular media depicts the ‘Net Generation’ as self-centered and largely focused on status updates, posts, and texting. The reality is far from this. Our work with young people has shown that they often feel disconnected, believing the world sees them as ‘problems to be solved.’ We want something better for them.

Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for TeensGet Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens is written in a style that speaks directly to teenagers while also being a useful tool for professionals. Readers can follow the story of two teenagers, Jess and Sam, as they try ACT and discover the challenging—and sometimes weird—world of ACT experiential exercises. They also witness Jess and Sam discovering how normal they really are, despite their fears and frustrations. Readers can relate to these teenagers’ interests and passions, and will share the journey of discovering thoughts and feelings with them.

Our clinical experience is weaved throughout the book. As we wrote we trialed the exercises in our clinic, watching with excitement as teens proudly discovered what it felt like to be a mindful warrior—someone who is strong, balanced, and able to face the challenges of living. And we also listened as they wrinkled their faces, or told us the exercises were “lame!”

We have seen that teens might be street smart and connected 24/7, but they also care deeply about their relationships and the world they will inherit. So we focused on creating valuing conversations, which involve helping young people discover value within themselves, their relationships, and the larger world.

The book takes the reader on a journey, and we hope it creates a spark that brings vitality to teenagers the professionals who work with them.

Download “Strength Spotting”! A fun supplemental exercise to be used in conjunction with Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens.

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