Sally Bongers is a film director, photographer and cinematographer, based in Sydney. Sally studied at the Australian Film Television and Radio School, subsequently winning two AFI Awards for Cinematography. She runs her own film production company, Light Corporation, in Australia. Sally’s spiritual journey has taken her from Muktananda to U.G. Krishnamurti, Ramesh Balsekar to "Sailor" Bob Adamson and Tony Parsons.
Jeff Foster studied astrophysics at Cambridge University. A severe depression then propelled him into a spiritual search that ended with the discovery that he had only ever been seeking life itself. He presently holds meetings, retreats, and private one-to-one sessions around the world, gently but directly pointing people back to the deep acceptance inherent in the present moment. He was voted #51 in Watkins' Mind Body Spirit's 2012 list of the world's 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. His website is